Wednesday 23 November 2011

Slaying The Hydra

I stand victorious. I scoff in the face of French bureaucracy. Afraid of a few silly bits of paper? MOI??

Never let it be said that Lallymaggoo doesn't know her CAF from her CPAM. I've sent both organisations mostly everything they asked for, plus a few extra bits for good luck. I even sent the CPAM woman a copy of the letter from CAF for good measure.

French letters are very formal. A bit like those dances in Jane Austen costume dramas where everyone walks around sedately in simple geometric shapes. They look quite dull on the surface but are actually quite fun when you look at what lies beneath.

My favourite bit is the sign off.

Dans l'attente de votre réponse, Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, l’assurance de ma considération distinguée.

There's no real English equivalent but the sense is something like:

I will sleep by the post box in fond expectation of a reply and with your kind agreement respectfully climb up your poo-hole.

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