Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The Oven Must Have A Throughline

Week Two of rehearsals begins with a Pumpkin Pie. The pie knocks the walking stick into a cocked hat. It's ten feet in diameter. It needs to be big to feed the Sufferin' Po'r of Dreamville. At the top of Act II it gets lifted over the perimeter fence and carried to a massive oven. It even has its own number. Debate rages about the position of the oven. Can we place the oven in the audience? If we do this and don't resolve the oven's story, will the audience feel subliminally that they are roasting for the entirety of the second act? The oven must have a throughline! Stanislavski would be proud.

At lunchtime the weather is sooo good that it seems rude not to go for a swim. This is one of many reasons why I'm loving this job.

The Dog, Sax Chick, Bones and I have such a jolly time we nearly forget to go back for the afternoon and turn up wet, salty and breathless.

Back in Dreamville we move on to a factory sequence that is in part an homage to Charlie Chaplin but also manages to reference Donald Duck.

Antonio Fava eat your heart out.


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